Lactation Support

Whether you’re sure you want to breastfeed, or you are still deciding, we are here to support you.
Let’s face it, breastfeeding comes with its own set of challenges that most moms don’t expect. It’s very well known that there are immense benefits to breastfeeding — for both baby and for mom. At Stork, we want to provide you with the support you need to prepare for baby but also to overcome the challenges that come in the early days and weeks.
In addition to private prenatal breastfeeding classes, our International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) can provide home visits once baby has arrived! Here is what will happen during your consultation:
- Complete a medical, birth, and feeding history form
- Help and tips for proper latch and position techniques
- Pre and post-feeding weight – to see just how much your baby is getting
- Assessment of infant’s weight, oral anatomy, hydration status, and overall well-being
- Assessment of your milk supply and mental well-being
- Answer any and all questions YOU have about breastfeeding
- Develop an individualized care plan to help you concur any current challenges
- Provide referrals to trusted health care professionals, as needed
- Follow-up phone call with the IBCLC
In addition to the initial home consultation, our IBCLCs are happy to provide phone consultations, skype consultations, follow-up visits, and private prenatal consultations. The most important thing you can do is get help at the first sign of breastfeeding challenges. If you feel your baby isn’t gaining enough weight, having enough wet and dirty diapers, or you are experiencing nipple pain or damage, the earlier you catch it, the better.
Most health plans provide breastfeeding support as a health benefit. Call your insurance provider to find out what your plan covers, and Stork would be happy to provide you with the paperwork needed to request reimbursement for services!